Project Outcomes:
The project focussed on the following outcomes:
- Develop community renewable enterprises
- Use of low carbon technology within the business sector
- Support local people with household energy improvements
- Develop energy storage initiatives on a household and community level
Initial events at the 10 communities identified community energy champions to establish discussion and working groups at a grass roots level.
The use of digital technology allowed more comprehensive Skype seminars with inspirational community renewable energy experts to ignite local people to develop new micro schemes and to work collaboratively within Pembrokeshire.
“It was clear from the interviews and feedback that the staff resource remained the key aspect valued by those who have received support. This was not only in respect of capacity, but they were also identified as knowledgeable, connected, approachable, reliable and respected: “are known locally”; “trusted”; “good to work with their networks/contacts”.
SRRC project co-ordinators were identified as a “great resource locally – with their knowledge/passion”; “positive”; “different to consultants (lots of people out to make money for themselves)” who “are active in maintaining a link with their followers”.

Lessons Learned:
Due to the flexible and responsive nature of the support given, nothing was identified as not useful, or not needed. A few minor adjustments to the administration of events have been suggested via feedback forms, for example providing more information to attendees in advance of an event. Project co-ordinators also identified a couple of things that they would like to improve in future: ensuring sufficient budget and time to allow for appropriate follow-up activity post-events.