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Older Person’s Project develops new links in the local community

The Older Person’s Project based in the Bloomfield Community Centre has researched and collected survey data from more than 100 over 55s, asking them about their views on services and activities in Narberth. The project created a database of more than 60 groups that welcome older people in the area, this information was shared with other local groups and helped forge new links.

Vicki Travers-Milne, Project Officer at Bloomfield Community Centre said: “The support from Arwain Sir Benfro and LEADER has meant that we have been able to form new partnerships with SPAN Arts, Transition Bro Gwaun, Trussell Trust, Pembrokeshire Food Bank, Hubbub, The Campaign to End Loneliness and many small local groups that welcome older people.

“Our project has also helped to link older people’s groups based at Bloomfield Centre with child care groups. This meant that Lee Davies Day Care Centre and Bloomfield Day Nursery combined to run activities for both old and young.”

The project found a need for a luncheon club and local interest in surplus food sharing. This resulted in a LEADER funded Community Fridge and Larder Project for 2018-20 with community input in the project design and delivery plan. A linked luncheon club is being developed, with support from Pembrokeshire County Council.

The project had 41 local volunteers proving 276 hours of volunteer time during the course of the project.

It encouraged and assisted local older people to use the Wi-Fi at Bloomfield to seek funding. This included Narberth Bowls Club.

Five events took place over the course of the year including afternoon teas, tea dances or twmpath, a health and wellbeing day, and an intergenerational sing along.

The LEADER fund for Pembrokeshire administered by PLANED awarded Bloomfield Community Centre £14,900 to run the Older Person’s Project in Narberth.  The project explored the need for facilities for older people in the local community, including luncheon clubs, health and wellbeing classes volunteering opportunities and to work with the onsite Lee Davies Day Care Centre to extend its current provision.

A report tracking the progress of the project is available on the Arwain sir Benfro website:

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